Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Civilization V Trainer v 4.1.2

This trainer will give you the following:

* Gold
* Golden Age Progress
* Golden Age Turns
* Culture
* Strategic Resources
* Luxury Resources
* Clear spent resource slots
* Great General
* Unit Experience
* Movement
* Heal units
* City Modifier
* Full hotkey support
* Customizable (See Settings.ini)


4.1.2 Changes

* Will now reduce cpu overhead while trainer is waiting for
Civilization to load.
* Turning off hotkeys will now properly terminate keyboard
polling and reduce cpu overhead accordingly
* Will now remember and save the state of the sound checkbox
and keyboard button to Settings.ini so that you don't have
to change it manually
* Added hotkey for shutting down the trainer, use ALT + F12 to
remotely shut down the trainer. If sound is enabled you will
hear a dropping sequence of notes played. If sound is disabled
the trainer will quit immediately.
* You no longer have to minimize the trainer in order to lower the
priority of the trainer. Now it will lower priority as soon as
the window loses focus and restore priority when it gets focus.
Civilization will also get high priority when trainer loses
focus and idle priority when trainer gets focus again.
* Changed default value of resource hotkey inside Settings.ini from
80 to 500.
* Changed defalt value of Modifier from 50,000 downto 10,000 because
the old value gave way too much gold income, a lower default value
is definitely better and more healthy
* Sometimes when running the trainer, some controls would be graphically
corrupted, appearing teared or missing graphical parts. Will now update
the client area if needed during startup.
* Reduced size of about & quit buttons
* If sound is disabled in Settings.ini it will not load midi libraries
anymore, saving alot of memory and lowers amount of threads. Will now
also unload midi libraries when unticking the sound checkbox. Midi
libraries and functions takes up a few megabytes of memory. So if you
want to save a few megabytes of memory, turn off sound.
* Removed / simplified some code

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