Mage |
Rogue |
Warrior |
Cleric |
Rift Best Leveling Specs
Leveling Builds
Our guides dont stop at a mere leveling guide, but we also provide ideal builds for each soul. So that , not only do you have the optimized leveling path while playing Rift, you also have the best possible build to go along with it.
Best Rift PVP Builds
PvP in rift plays a major role in your gameplay experience. With 8 souls to choose from, some are better suited for PvP than others. We will give you the lowdown, tips and secrets on ideal PvP builds. You will have a truly distinct advantage over all those around you.
Ideal Raiding Specs
End game content such as raiding is considered the most lucrative aspect of any respectable mmorpg. Rift with its massive content, clearly does not disappoint. However, going into raids without proper planning can be disastrous. We will help you come up with ideal raiding builds.
Rift Guides For Free
Warrior, Rogue, Mage or Cleric. We have got an indepth guide for each of the four Callings. These guides cover everything you need to know about the Callings before delving into the game. Individual Soul trees, How to play the class and soul pairings and so much more. You will play your class like the pro you were meant to be.
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